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Baby Boomers..What's Next?!?

All of you men and women out there in the Baby Boomer generation face similar challenges in the maintenance of an ideal body weight and body fat percentage.  You have already survived the worst 50 years of health and nutrition advice perhaps in the history of human-kind, so if anyone is up for the task...you are!  The most current research out there shows that this is really a game of hormone balancing and re-education.  Most of what we once thought was good practice has turned out to be completely wrong!!  The next generation of research is also focusing on the role of our  brain chemistry in the surge of obesity that has swept the globe in the past half century.  Here are some of the factors and introductions to some of the solutions. 

 1) Supermarket and fast –food domination really begins in the 1950’s and explodes throughout the rest of the century.  Suddenly, people are given the choice to eat whatever they want, whenever they want.   Processed foods start to consume shelf space and appear on dinner tables more and more often. 

·      Joining the “slow food” movement and shopping more at farmer’s markets and around the periphery of the grocery store where the fresh(er) food is sold is one way to get yourself off on the right start. 
·      Learning to read and understand food labels is also a vital skill on the war on weight.  As a general rule, I tell my clients to try to stick with serving sizes which deliver no more than 15-25 grams of carbs (depending on the size of the individual) per meal.  
·      Carbs should also be as high in fiber as possible and should only ever be eaten with protein or a protein/healthy fat mix.  This helps avoid fat storing insulin spikes.

2) Baby  Boomers, even if they were/are always  health conscious, were/are the victims of  being misinformed to an absurd and even  lethal degree.  When this generation was entering into their 30’s and 40’s, they were led to believe that the  “low fat” and “ high carb” food pyramid was the key to health!  There is also now an unprecedented level of estrogenic and other hormone-manipulating chemicals in our food, food packaging, and cosmetics that promote belly fat. 

·      Avoiding certain chemicals and excess estrogen may not seem like it would be an important part of an effective diet plan for baby boomers, but it is.  Not being mindful of these things will cause most of us to continue to have less than ideal hormone profiles for our age and sex.  This in turn will render most nutrition and exercise programs exponentially less effective. Rules are slightly different for post-menopausal women, but they are very similar.  

·      In addition to being mindful of our hormone levels, people need to realize that FAT is not the enemy.  Overconsumption of carbohydrates, including compounds like HFCS, and overconsumption of calories in general is pushing people towards insulin de-sensitivity and weight gain.   What happens in the body after we eat is crucial in determining whether we will be successful on any diet plan or not.

3) Baby Boomers have been taught to trust in prescription drugs alone  as effective ways to solve their heath problems.  This has created a movement away from changing the habits that caused the problems to begin with.   Most doctors offer little or no accurate or effective advice on exercise and nutrition.  Most of what REALLY should be done, particularly by people in the boomer generation is completely counterintuitive to them, due to the fact that they’ve been misled for so long.  “Diet and Exercise” has become a practically useless recommendation

·      Certain prescriptions such as Metformin and Orlistat (Xenical), when taken in conjunction with other supplements and with a progressive exercise and eating plan, are extremely effective in helping people lose weight.  This is particularly true of the baby boomer generation due to the fact that they have an unprecedented level of obesity often related to conditions such as metabolic syndrome  and type 2 diabetes. 

Overall, a good approach that I’d recommend for any individual over the age of 40 is a combination of  a “diet” called The Schwarzbein Principle by Diana Schwarzbein, M.D., and another called Belly Fat Free by Josh Bezoni.  They are easy to follow and address most of the common issues that cause individuals to gain weight. 

Here are 7 general rules:

1) Eat 5-7 times per day and eat 20g or less of net carbs per meal.
2) NEVER eat carbs alone... Eat with Protein and if possible, healthy fats
3) Eat Fresh.. Leafy Greens and Cruciferous Veggies are free foods.  Eat up!
4) Try to eat carbs that are high in fiber and aim to reach 30 grams per day
5) Drink WATER!!!
6) Eat yogurt, and /or fermented foods, or drink kefir for the probiotics.
7) Avoid “Obesity Additives” such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and HFCS.

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