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5 Good Things for Spring

Spring is upon us, which usually means our levels of inspiration rise alongside the temperature and nature's bounty of color. Many people tackle home projects, spring clean, or even purge! Our inspiration, this Spring and always, is for you and your loved ones to live the healthiest life possible. With that in mind, we thought we would recommend 5 good things to do this Spring that help your home become the sanctuary that it deserves to be.

1. Get rid of any product with "fragrance" listed as an ingredient. Most fragrances are synthetically derived from 10 to 100 different chemicals that pose serious health risks. Laundry detergent, air-fresheners, cleaning sprays, and fabric softeners are good places to start looking. 

What should you do? Check out the Environmental Working Group's fantastic website which rates many personal care products and cleaners. Look for organic personal care products or even make your own air-freshner using lavender essential oil and water! 

2. Thinking of painting? Avoid using any paint with Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) which not only create an irritating smell, but are also derived from things such as styrene, toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde-- all of which are derived from petroleum and are know causes of cancer and neurotoxins. 

What should you do? Purchase "No-VOC" or "VOC-free." Many companies on the market today offer these options. Also, if your paint is "mixed" be sure to ask for no-VOC pigment as well. 

3. Replace air filters (for home air system) with a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating of at least 11. The reason? These better built air filters block particle-size toxins from entering your home.  Also, air filters with low MERV ratings may contain fiberglass, a lung irritant and possible cause of cancer. Local Home Depots and Lowe's are stocked with a plethora of filters. 


4. For many, many reasons-- get rid of your carpet. Your carpet is like sponge holding not only the synthetic chemicals it was produced with, but also every unholy chemical, deodorizer, and sanitizer that you ever sprayed. If you're still not convinced, at the very least vacuum carpets twice a week with a HEPA-equipped vacuum. 

5. Ventilate! Remember, the air pollution inside is 2 to 6 times more polluted than outdoor air- even for those living in metropolitan areas. Opening windows for 15 minutes a day will help air out those toxins you've been spraying! 

6. Number 6 is the hidden bonus. If you were patient enough to read this far down, I, Neill Alleva, will offer the first 5 people that contact me a free assessment of the healthiness of your home (a $150 value). A "prescription" will be given based on my assessments to help you and your family live a healthier life. It all starts at home. Contact information below.

For more information on how to offset the harmful chemicals in your home and protect your family. Please contact Neill Alleva at neillalleva@me.com

Neill is a student of the philosophy behind the
International Institute for Bau-Biologie and Ecology. 

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